Volume 4: Luke 10 Trip (Part 2)

The Lord provides dinner
    Here is a link to a video we did accounting the entire trip, I've certainly left out some details and tried to the best of my ability to remember everything as it happened. Luke 10 Trip Video

    After seeing the Lord touch people at Walmart we made our way to the door the Lord opened for us in Alpharetta, Georgia. It is getting dark at this point, we are very hungry and are excited at the prospect of somewhere to minister and sleep for the night. We come to the address and it is a dark and small single wide mobile home. I think to myself "I don't know if they will have space for our whole team and, to be honest, I'm not completely excited at the thought of sleeping on the floor of a single wide trailer". We go inside and introduce ourselves and in my broken Spanish I tell them my name and get theirs. No-one there spoke English, but luckily the Lord provides. Blanca spoke Spanish pretty fluently and was able to translate most of the trip, as well as, Erick and Pamela who showed up later to the home. They were in the middle of preparing dinner for us and so we sat back and relaxed as Blanca spoke with them about what we were doing and expecting God to do on our trip. During the conversation they tell us that there was a lady in one of the bedrooms that had been in her bed for a week with a fever and extreme body pain. Unable to get up and take care of herself she was at the point of despair. She told them that she was ready to die she felt so terrible. I didn't consider it at the time, but this was right in the middle of the covid lockdowns. Blanca goes in there and then eventually calls me back. We both pray for this lady who eventually gets hot to the touch. Literally the hottest I've ever felt a body temperature get to. Then as we continue praying for her she starts to cough. She sits up as she continues coughing, eventually she coughed something up as we prayed. It may have been a few times that something came out of her. Then her body temperature dropped substantially and she said she felt completely healed! We shouted joyfully as we had just experienced a lady get delivered from something and healed! Bless the Lord! It reminded me of the biblical story of Peters mother-in-law that was bedridden and completely healed by Jesus! 
Lady who was
delivered of sickness

    We then allowed her to collect herself so we all went into the kitchen for dinner. There was so much hospitality, the hispanic culture really honors family and community. Something western culture at times can lack. So God provided dinner and we found out that we were going to be staying at a local pastors house. Actually, he was the brother of Eric who was a part of our Luke 10 school. We then proceeded to preach the Gospel to them, some were receptive, but two men seemed to not be as open. People settle for tradition instead of the commandments of Jesus more often than not. Tradition makes way for sin to stay in our lives, but if we obey the words of Jesus then we will turn from sin, deny ourselves and follow Him. As Blanca shared the two reluctant men there asked questions and almost challenged the message. Then, the local pastor of that body stood up and said that we were speaking the truth and that this was the true Gospel. That Jesus did come to bring power and freedom, not just church attendance. During this meeting, we found out that one of the men had a burning in his body every time he went to the bathroom. After that night he was healed! Praise God! The craziest thing about the evening that we actually found out the next day was that one of the younger people there did a livestream of us sharing the Gospel. Pamela's sister-in-law from Mexico happened to tune in to the livestream and saw all of us in the video. She then almost couldn't contain herself from what she saw. She had recently had a dream and in the dream someone came knocking on her door. She opened it to see a team of 4 or 5 people, one hispanic lady, two tall American men and 2 others. In the dream they were telling her about the future. The only problem is she couldn't understand what they were saying. So she asked the Lord to help her understand because she wanted to know what He thought of her future. Then, the hispanic lady translated and said God says your future is full of hope and life, do not be afraid. We then found out that the people she saw in her dream were us! It blew our mind and confirmed we were truly where the Lord wanted us. I'll put a link at the bottom for the video we recorded about our Luke 10 trip. The 40 minute mark is where the dream starts. With our bellies full we headed to Erick's brother's house and I got a good nights sleep on the floor.
A place to stay and gas money!
      So not having any money to get back, Andrew who drove, was praying the Lord would provide. That morning we woke up to a letter from the pastor who let us stay at his home. He gave us $160 which was enough for food and gas to get back to North Carolina. The Lord provides! We then went to where the ladies of our group were staying for breakfast. It was authentic hispanic breakfast. Even had cactus! There was a couple there which one of the two was the lady who had the dream about us. Her and her husband had been separated for a very long time. He worked here in the states and sent money to Mexico for his wife and children. They were recently reunited and were there. So we were able to share the Gospel with them and prophesy over their lives. Their was a lot of uncertainty about the future for Pamela's sister-in-law and the Lord spoke peace to her. She felt confident to face the future in Him. We spent time praying together and with everyone individually. There was a younger brother in the Lord who had been to a kickstart but had somewhat fallen away according to his own admission. I took him aside to offer correction and encouragement. We ended up praying for him and the Lord restored him back to his purpose in Christ. This was last year and at this moment in time he has more zeal for the Lord than he did before. Praise God! We then spent some time ministering at a mall and did some worship outside of the food court. Then we got an invite to come to someone's house for dinner.
    We get to the home and they are preparing dinner for us, homemade street tacos. I almost shed a tear because I love street tacos. A scripture came to mind "Bless the Lord all my soul and forget none of His benefits." (Psalm 103:2) I don't know if street tacos are what that scripture is referring to, but I began to bless the Lord nonetheless. After dinner, we went outside and begin to share with the group of all hispanic people. I shared my testimony of how God called me out of lukewarmness. He showed me how I was genuinely seeking Him, but also tied up with selfishness and sin. I was riding the fence, and the fence belongs to the devil. One day that fence is going to be ripped up and every life will be laid bare before Him whom nothing is hidden. Fear of the Lord fell upon some of them. Several came up after sharing to receive prayer. I ended up praying for a woman who seemed very tense. She asked for prayer for a headache. I prayed and it 
With Chuy and his wife
wouldn't go away. The Lord showed me it was something spiritual producing it. I heard the word fear in my heart and asked her if she ever struggled with fear. She looked at her husband, then at me, then at her husband again. She seemed almost taken back by me asking that. She said that she had crazy things happen in her house, things would be knocked off the shelf and there would be random noises in the house. Even within the last week she said she felt something crawling at the foot of her bed and almost touch her feet. She was tormented by demons and it showed on her face and demeanor. I began to pray for her and command every spirit of fear to leave and she starts to get a grimace on her face. We pray for a few minutes and she says that it feels stuck in her head. I'm still learning how deliverance works so I call Erick over. We both pray and she starts coughing and coughing and coughing. Eventually she spits something up and then the look on her face was sweet release. She looked at her 
husband and started crying, she was free from that torment. I then turned to her husband, sensing something in his life. I asked him if he had any sin, he said yes that he's struggling with pornography. I told him that was an open door for the enemy to attack. He repented from that sin and through conversation I realized he needed to be baptized. He was baptized as a kid but didn't understand it and didn't repent prior so really he just took a bath. He had felt as well that he should be baptized in to Jesus Christ. Then a man approached us covered in something and said to me, "they need you inside." I didn't know what I was about to step into.
    I go inside and here screaming from the back, the man led me in there where a 13 year old girl was on the bed screaming at the top of her lungs while people were praying for her. Come to find out this little girls dad had tried to have her aborted, then when the mother said no the dad abused to mother and even punched the mothers stomach to kill the child. Then once the child was born the father abused her physical and maybe even in other ways until he finally abandoned the family. Then this girl spent her life always abandoned by family and friends so she made a pact with the devil, she told him that she would give him her soul if she could just have friends. So knowing this I see this girl writhing and trying to stop people from praying. She said a few statements, "God hates me" and "why would God love me." So me in my
The 13 year old girl
infancy of faith thought that she just couldn't receive Gods love and was fighting it. The she said a few other statements that really shook me, "We should of killed her when we had the chance" and "She belongs to us!" When those words came out of the 13 year old girls mouth I knew it was demons, I dropped to my knees and began to pray, realizing that I was in over my head and needed the Lords help. I then got up and felt in my heart the Lord say to get some of the people out of there, because there was about 10 people in the room shouting and praying and it was chaos. So one of the team members agreed and we had everyone but the parents and our team leave. We then prayed and some things left but there was one thing that was stubborn and had her screaming at the top of her lungs. So I told them that I felt like we should worship. We did and all together sang hallelujah to the Lord. Peace came in the room and the demons shut up. The girl was delivered, finally. Now obviously according to scripture we should be able to say, "come out in the name of Jesus" and the demons should obey. I will say from that moment it has gotten easier and taken less time. But we are at war with unbelief and are all growing in our walk with Christ. I then left the room and went to baptize Chuy, the husband of the woman that got delivered earlier from fear. I walked him through repentance and we prepared the baptismal. Which unfortunately was a trash can, we cleaned it out as well as we could and filled it with water. Here is the link Chuy's baptism if you wish to watch it. Chuys Baptism Video
    We got him in there and the water was cold, someone was singing with my guitar in Spanish worshiping the Lord and the atmosphere was ripe with freedom. It was 2:30 in the morning but I felt great. God moved way more than I described so far that night but I'm sharing my personal experiences of what happened. We baptized Chuy and he comes up. We start to pray over him and his face begins to express vexation. He then begins to almost vomit something that wasn't material at first. It sounded like it was coming from deep within him. He then did have something come out and we rejoiced but he said he still felt something. Two more times did he cough something up and then by the end he raised his hands with a smile and had freedom showing on his face. I will say from what I've seen and heard, Chuy and his wife are still following Jesus to this day. We then went inside to pray for the owner of the house who told us she suffered from a bad thyroid issue. As we pray fo her she falls over on the ground and speaks in
Owner of the house, got
healed and delivered!

tongues. The only problem was that the tongues sounded off(bare with me) but I discerned they were not tongues from the Holy Spirit but another spirit. So we commanded that spirit to be quiet and come out and it did. She sat up and started coughing like crazy, and eventually coughed a little portion of flesh or something into a cup which was handed to me for some reason and was disposed of. That had to be the thyroid thing she got delivered of. She then begin to cry and cry, speaking in a new tongue given by the Holy Spirit. She felt free she said. Praise the Lord! We then went out and baptized the 13 year old to Christ who had been delivered of the demons. What a beautiful night, what a wonderful life we've been called into. Jesus didn't save us to warm church pews or to establish an institution but rather to set men free! To set the captives free! He said go into the world! They need you and I full of the Holy Spirit with our lives laid down! Many are called to this but few say yes wholeheartedly!
    We left and decided to drive 4 hours back to North Carolina, rejoicing in what God had done. How he led us, provided for us and worked in power for the sake of that community and His great name. All can do this, everyone may walk as Jesus walked in the world. John actually gives a proclamation, "Those who say they know God must walk just as Jesus did." 1 John 2:6. There are numerous reasons we don't see the power of God in our lives, such as: we settle for going to church instead of being the church, we don't wholeheartedly turn from sin or we try to seek God and keep our sin (lukewarmness), we love the world more the Christ or at times we just simply don't believe the words of Jesus and stay in our stubbornness of hearts toward the truth (Romans 2:5). That weekend has shaped this past year of my families life, we have seen so many people touched by God, so many families healed and delivered. It is a lifestyle Jesus invites us to. Let the words of Jesus challenge us. Just because we believe in God doesn't mean we are walking in His ways, even the demons believe and tremble. Jesus said in the Gospel of mark what the proof of us believing in Christ would produce. He said, "Go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned. THESE SIGNS WILL ACCOMPANY THOSE WHO BELIEVE: In My Name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents(turn from sin and deception); if the drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover." Mark 16:15-18
May the words of our Lord sober us into humility that maybe we don't believe in the manner in which Jesus desires. Come to God humbly and ask Him to wash you of this world, to help your unbelief and to use your life. He is absolutely willing to take our lives and shine into this world, the question is, are we?


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